Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Nasi Goreng is one of the most famous Indonesian food. You can find it in any Indonesian restaurants, or even on the streets, sold by the street vendors. There are so many versions of Nasi Goreng, but now I am going to show you how to make the Street Food Version. This is also a good way to use any leftover rice and meat that you have at home. So, here is the recipe.


2 cups cooked rice (See notes)
3 cloves of garlic
3 shallots
3 small chilies
1/2 tsp of shrimp paste / belacan
100 grams of chicken, cut into small pieces
6 beef meetballs
1 eggs
1/2 cup white cabbage
1/2 cup mustard green
2-3 tbs of Kecap Manis (See Notes)
Additionals and Condiments :

Some Acar ( click here for the recipe )
Krupuk Udang (Shrimp Crackers)
Crispy Eggs
Fried Shallots

* tsp = teaspoon, tbs = tablespoon

Instructions :

Step 1, Preparation
  • Cut the cabbage into small thin slices
  • Cut off the stem part of the mustard green and thinly cut the green part. You want the veggies to be cut thinly so it can cook quickly.
  • Cut the chicken into small pieces
  • Cut the meatballs in half, then just slice them into little slices.
  • Into a blender, put the garlic, shallots, chilies, salt, pepper, and the shrimp paste. Add some water. then process until it forms fine paste.

Step 2, Frying the shrimp crackers and eggs.
  • Heat up some oil in a pan over medium flame, test it with your wooden spoon, if it bubbles, means the oil is hot enough
  • Put the shrimp crackers in, then fry for few seconds. Once they puff up and change in texture, means you're done. put them on a train and transfer onto a paper towel to drain the excess oil.
  • Into the same oil put one cracked egg, drizzle some oil over it with your wooden spoon, once the bottom has crisped up, then flip and cook for a few seconds. when it's done, put it on a strainer, and transfer to a paper towel.

Step 3, Cook the Nasi Goreng
  • Transfer most of the oil, leave about one tablespoon in the pan. Then put the chicken in, cook for a minute until the color changes, then lightly season.
  • Add the meatballs in, cook for another minute.
  • Push the chicken and meatballs to one side of your pan, ad a bit of oil, then put the paste that we made earlier, and cook to get rid of raw taste of the spices. once it's cook, you can mix.
  • Push everything to the side and add one cracked egg, let it cook a little bit in the pan before you scramble. then mix everything together
  • Add the rice and vegetables, and mix everything together
  • Add the regular soy sauce and kecap manis, and stir until everything is combined
  • Taste it to check the seasoning, add more salt and pepper if you need to, give final stir, and it's done.

Step 4, Serve
  • Onto a serving plate, put a portion of the Nasi Goreng, then sprinkle some fried shallots
  • Put the crispy egg on top
  • Add some Acar on the side
  • Add some shrimp crackers
  • Enjoy!
*This recipe makes 2-3 portions

Notes :
  • You can use any leftover meat or any meat you have on hand. You can even use tofu for vegetarian version.
  • The rice should be cold. Hot rice will be too sticky, so it won't be good. Some people even use leftover rice from the day before.
  • Kecap Manis is one Indonesian specialty ingredients, it's a dark, sweet soy sauce.
  • The shrimp paste or belacan is optional. but if you add it, it will give you an extra umami flavor. 
  • If you don't have shallots, you can substitute it with onions.

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About Me

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Hi! I'm Namira, the cook and creator of "Food by Namira". I was born and raised in Indonesia and currently live in Jakarta. In my blog, I would like to introduce you to the food that represents my heritage,which is Indonesian Food, and also other types of food that are special to me, so you can make and enjoy them. This blog is not going to be exclusively about Indonesian food, but if you want to know more about it, Definitely, this is the place! I will also put some substitute ingredients (if any) to make it easier if you don't live here in South East Asia. I really hope that enjoy my recipes. Thank you for cooking with Food By Namira!


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